The Phantom Wallet on the Solana network experienced a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, resulting in its services being temporarily suspended. Solana’s Phantom Wallet Hit by DDoS Attack, Services Temporarily Disabled

The group announced that everything held in the Phantom wallet remains safe. Due to a detected security flaw, Phantom has momentarily halted a number of its features. Solana’s Phantom wallet has been subjected to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The team at Phantom has observed numerous efforts aimed at overloading its infrastructure. As a result, until they fix the identified weakness, Phantom has temporarily suspended some of its offerings. Furthermore, it has been announced that all holdings within the Phantom wallet remain protected, ensuring that users can have peace of mind. The wallet attracted greater scrutiny from potential hackers following its adoption of Bitcoin, Ordinals, and BRC-20 tokens. This recent attack comes shortly after such additions were made, although only a few specifics have been revealed. These types of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks frequently target vulnerabilities in a network’s protection. This may take the form of sending an excess of data packets that overwhelms the network’s capacity or issuing more requests to an application than it can handle. Within blockchain environments, the predominant type of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is transaction flooding, potentially disrupting the accessibility of protocols for their intended users. Gradually, the network begins to experience the detrimental impacts of this situation. Furthermore, smart contracts could potentially be deployed to initiate comparable distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. The ultimate objective of these attacks is to inundate the network with traffic and pilfer money. Phantom Wallet has committed to keeping its users updated on developments in addressing this security issue and will maintain communication with the community.