Zero Balance? Coinbase Crashes Again as Bitcoin Surges ¿Qué significa tener un saldo cero? Once again Coinbase experiences technical difficulties while Bitcoin’s value goes up.
Coinbase experienced another outage on Monday due to the high activity in the cryptocurrency market. This is the second time in two weeks that the U.S.-based exchange has been overwhelmed by the surge in traffic. At 12:36 pm EST, Coinbase announced on their status page that performance on the exchange was suffering. Users on Coinbase have once again experienced issues with zero balances in their wallets, similar to last week’s crash. According to Coinbase’s status page, a small number of users may be affected by intermittent zero balances and delays on their accounts, but trading operations remain unaffected. The company’s team is currently looking into this matter and will provide further updates soon. Coinbase reassured customers that their assets were secure. By 1:21 pm EST, Coinbase announced that a solution had been put in place and that they were continuing to monitor the situation. The company thanked customers for their patience on Twitter. “We are starting to observe enhancements in latencies and successful data transfers.” You can be confident that your money is secure. Coinbase did not provide additional comment when approached by Decrypt, directing them instead to Coinbase’s Twitter updates. Cryptocurrency exchanges frequently face disruptions during surges in Bitcoin prices, leading to high levels of user activity. While some view Coinbase’s past technical issues during market increases as a good sign, the exchange has also encountered challenges during market downturns. In May 2021, both Coinbase and Binance encountered disruptions when the cryptocurrency market took a nosedive. Edited by Ryan Ozawa, keep up with the latest cryptocurrency news with daily updates delivered to your email.